Saturday, December 28, 2019

Medieval Woman Book Owners Arbiters Of Lay Piety And...

In the journal article Medieval Woman Book Owners: Arbiters of Lay Piety and Ambassadors of Culture, written by Susan Groag Bell, explains the cultural changes in the Middle Ages. She give details on how the increase in lay piety and vernacular literature were both connected with one another. In addition to this, these two topics played key roles in the changes taking place. The increase in lay piety is said to be a response to the political conflicts, religious demographic, and climatological factors. Susan Groag Bell believes that the role of the women have been overlooked, and says their influence can be found by, looking at the women’s special relationship to books. Looking at manuscripts, articles written by other authors, textbooks, and other primary and secondary sources she breaks her points into three parts. First she looks at medieval laywomen’s’ book ownership, then special relationship the women have to the books, and lastly the influence that the wom an had on the cultural changes because of their relationship to the books. Many advancements played roles, in the growth of peoples’ hunger, to obtain books. Technology had to be one of the bigger factors, as to why books became more available, and easier to read. The invention of the fireplace, allowed people to have more privacy because it allowed people to have smaller rooms, that provided more privacy. Eyeglasses also helped many people be able to read. Since people could be near or far sighted, it was hard, if

Friday, December 20, 2019

Old Majors Speech In Animal Farm By George Orwell

Old Major’s Propaganda†¦ Speech After reading George Orwell’s Animal Farm, one may take better care of his or her fluffy white cat! Easily recognized as a fable, in his book Animal Farm, Orwell uses free willed, self-thinking animals to struggle for their freedoms in much the same way man does. It is not just a fable though; it is based on reality. George Orwell (or Erik Blare) dealt with conflict with social democracy, communists, and capitalism his entire life, and it sparked his novel. The one who sparked the movement on Manor Farm was the visionary elderly boar, Old Major, who had a dream that the animals could be in charge of the farm. Old Major’s heart was for the idealistic benefit of the farm animals. Old Major, who was respected†¦show more content†¦In addition to hasty generalization, there is also fallacy of exclusion peppered in his speech. â€Å"In the fallacy of exclusion you fail to look at how the given quality is common among many groups, not just one.† (uidaho) Old Ma jor claims that, â€Å"Man is the only animal that consumes without producing.† (pages 7-8) but this is false. Just because man cannot produce the same things that animals produce, such as milk, eggs, and meat, does not mean that man is incapable of producing anything. He makes the animals think that man is not of value. Moreover, Old Major further implies man’s unimportance by affirming the consequent. Now, according to the University of Idaho, affirming the consequent means, â€Å"reversing an argument or confusing the general category with the specific/sub-category.† Old Major obviously used this fallacy in his speech, intentionally or not. Old Major declares that, â€Å"All man are enemies. All animals are comrades.† (page 10) This sounds all fine and dandy, but really it is a false statement. He does not know any other man accept Mr. Jones, so he has no evidence to support his declaration. On the other hand, he does have evidence that animals are comrades, but does not have evidence that ALL animals are comrades. Old Major also confidently says, â€Å"Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork isShow MoreRelatedOld Majors Speech in Animal Farm: A Book by George Orwell1787 Words   |  8 PagesOld Major Speech Essay The Old Major’s speech was at the very start of chapter one of the book. It illustrates how animal farm was based on the Russian Revolution and how the Old Major character was modeled on Karl Marx who wrote the communist manifesto which was a guiding principle of the Russian Revolution. The Old Major used a huge amount of persuasive techniques in many different ways. He used emotive language to make the animals have an emotional, rather than a rational response to his speechRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm922 Words   |  4 Pagesthe novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, the wisest boar of the farm, Old Major, mimics Karl Marx, the â€Å"Father of Communism,† and Vladimir Lenin, a Russian communist revolutionary. George Orwell introduces direct parallels between the respected figures through their mutual ideas of equality and profoundly appreciated qualities. Furthermore, his utilization of dialect and descriptions represent the key ideas of the novel. Throughout the novel, Orwell continues to show comparisons between Old Major andRead MoreAnimal Farm/ Pov Essay1549 Words   |  7 Pagesof the characters in Animal Farm, are there any who seem to represent the point of view of the author? Which of the animals or people do you think come(s) closest to achi eving Orwells perspective on Animal Farm? George Orwell brings to life many characters in the novel Animal Farm. He introduces very interesting characters like Boxer, Benjamin, and Napoleon. All of which are very interesting, however, none of them fully represent Orwell’s point of view. In Animal Farm, Orwell shows the reader theRead MoreCharacter Analysis Of George Orwells Animal Farm923 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Farm Character Analysis Essay â€Å"Old major†¦ was so highly regarded on the farm that everyone was quite ready to lose an hour’s sleep in order to hear what he had to say† (Orwell 1). The author, George Orwell, portrayed Old Major as the wisest of all the animals on the farm, and without being said, Major was a big part of Animal Farm. In fact, he influenced the lives of all the animals with just one speech. On the day of this speech, Major taught all the animals his wise ideas in a kind supportingRead MoreCommentary on Old Majors Speech Essay879 Words   |  4 PagesCommentary on Old Majors Speech Old Majors speech was directed to the animals. It was about over throwing the man and the animals should take over. It was all a rebellion. In this short essay I will describe the persuasive techniques used by Old Major to persuade his fellow animals to follow his dreams. I will include quotes and other important features used by Orwell. The main part of his speech is on his dream. Old Major the Middle White Boar chooses the placeRead MoreAllegory in Animal Farm, by George Orwell Essay1024 Words   |  5 PagesGeorge Orwell wrote the novel Animal Farm. Orwell uses the genre of allegory to illustrate his satirical views of the Russian Revolution. As Britain and Russia were allies during the War, Orwell was forbidden to straightforwardly express his opinion. During the Second World War, George Orwell wrote the novel â€Å"Animal Farm†. Orwell uses the genre of allegory to illustrate his satirical views of the Russian Revolution. As Britain and Russia were allies during the War, Orwell was forbiddenRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwells Animal Farm1142 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it,† said Spanish philosopher George Santayana. This brilliant message shows to be present in George Orwell’s satirical novel Animal Farm. In this book, Orwell uses farm animals to illustrate the true nature of the communist Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. There are many examples in this book and in real life that show the truth of aforementioned Santayana’s statement, for if one does not remember the past, they are only allowing it toRead MoreThe Reality Of Animalism In Animal Farm, By George Orwell937 Words   |  4 Pagesfiction novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, opens with the farm’s prize pig giving a speech. Old Major discusses his dream where animals don’t have to live under the harsh rule of humans, and are completely free. He preaches equality among animals, wher e no animal hurts another. â€Å"No animal must ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal† (11). The concept of a world in which animals were in power came to be known as Animalism. Following Old Major’s death, the animals of the farm tried to implementRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Animal Farm993 Words   |  4 Pages In George Orwell’s Animal Farm despite how great a government system is, it is only as good as the people who govern. Animal Farm is a story about oppressed animals overthrowing their humans and taking control over the farm. However things were fine up until the pigs started turning corrupt. The story is told through the eyes of a common animal and the events that occurred on Animal Farm. The narrator is never known but it is apparent that is it just a common animal and this gives the retellingRead MoreGeorge Orwells Animal Farm Essays2826 Words   |  12 PagesGeorge Orwell includes a strong message in his novel Animal Farm that is easily re cognizable. Orwell’s Animal Farm focuses on two primary problems that were not only prominent in his WWII society, but also posed as reoccurring issues in all societies past and present. Orwell’s novel delivers a strong political message about class structure and oppression from the patriarchal society through an allegory of a farm that closely resembles the Soviet Union. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm: A Fairy Story

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Reflection on the Learning Style for Educational-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theReflection on the Learning Style for Educational Program. Answer: Usefulness of the learning experience With the changes in the educational program offering, many universities are focusing on preparing the effective learning program for students. I have taken admission in the Holmes Institutes Sydney in which I have learned several courses and learning program. The courses offered in Holmes Institutes Sydney have helped me to increase my own divergent thinking related to the particular matter. It has also assisted me to make positive changes in my own work and my future carer. The main outcome of these courses is based on creating divergent thinking. It has also increased my understanding on the particular subject matter and assisted me to analysis the cases in deep. How this learning process will be useful to you The main usefulness of the learning courses in Holmes Institutes Sydney is related to increase my understanding on the particular work which will increase my own understanding to solve the complex issues and problems. The learning process will be useful to make me prepared and proactive for the possible complexity and issues. It will assist me to identify my own independent viewpoint on the particular subject matter. This learning process will divulge the core requirement which I need to develop to make me more employable and understanding towards the complex issues. The learning experience serves me to make my future career effective. It will not only make me more employable but also increase my divergent thinking in effective manner. The main intent of the future career is based on course material and course work which will not only increase the overall outcomes but also increase the overall value of my learning intents. The divergent thinking which I have gained from this course will assist me to solve problems and prepare me for the future problems. Objectively what happened in the learning process My opinion about the learning experience is related to the process. Holmes Institutes Sydney should have used innovative and creative technologies to increase the learning outcomes of the students. The value of experience will make me more prepared and proactive with the challenging situations and problems. Evaluate what you learn My new knowledge and learning courses will assist me to make proactive plans for the future problems. The leadership skills and group participation skills will also assist me to manage the team conflicts in easy and determined approach. The divergent thinking and different understanding will also help me to make the strategic planning in the company to deliver the best results. I have also learned to influence others in positive manner. I have considered that if I could consistently adapt my learning skills then it will not only increase my working effectiveness but also prepare me to deliver the best outcomes in easy and determined approach. The business research will help me to analysis all the internal and external factors which divulge the possible base factors to prepare the strategic planning for long run. I have learned that due to the ramified change in economy, business organization should consistently change its strategic planning. Explain your learning process The learning process of Assignment-1 and Assignment-2 assists me to evaluate all the internal and external factors which influence the business research process. The main reason of doing particular activity-1 is based on creation of the divergent thinking and develops proactive approach to solve the complex issues. In addition to this, activity-2 was undertaken to develop team work and group discussion which will eventually assist me to learn how to eliminate the team conflicts. It has been observed that both activities have assisted me to evaluate all the possible issues and problems in effective manner. I have learned how to implement effective strategic planning to draw the best results in the particular situation. Particular Description New insight Development of divergent thinking Connection with learning Team work Feeling Proactive approach Hypothesis The estimation of future on the basis of historical data Conclusion Always keep the project escalation amount for the future strategic planning The learning experience which I have gained from the courses offered in Holmes Institutes Sydney will assist me to set up new business and implement effective strategic plans. I have learned to analysis all the possible issues and problems which I might face while setting up new business. Now in the end, it could be inferred that there should be proper equilibrium in the theoretical and practical knowledge while implementing the proper strategic plan in the business research.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Fatehpuri Sikri free essay sample

Here he commenced the construction of a planned walled city which took the next fifteen years in planning and construction of a series royal palaces, harem, courts, a mosque, private quarters and other utility buildings. [2]  He named the city, Fatehabad, with  Fateh, a word of Arabic origin in Persian, meaning victory. it was later called Fatehpur Sikri. [3]  It is at Fatehpur Sikri that the legends of Akbar and his famed courtiers, the  nine jewels  or  Navaratnas, were born[citation needed]. Fatehpur Sikri is one of the best preserved collection of  Mughal architecture  in India. [4] According to contemporary historians, Akbar took a great interest in the building of Fatehpur Sikri and probably also dictated its architectural style. Seeking to revive the splendours of Persian court ceremonial made famous by his ancestor Timur, Akbar planned the complex on Persian principles. But the influences of his adopted land came through in the typically Indian embellishments. We will write a custom essay sample on Fatehpuri Sikri or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Easy availability of sandstone in the neighbouring areas of Fatehpur Sikri, also meant that all the buildings here were made of the red stone. The imperial Palace complex consists of a number of independent pavilions arranged in formal geometry on a piece of level ground, a pattern derived from Arab and central Asian tent encampments. In its entirety, the monuments at Fatehpur Sikri thus reflect the genius of Akbar in assimilating diverse regional architectural influences within a holistic style that was uniquely his own. 5] The Imperial complex was abandoned in 1585, shortly after its completion, due to paucity of water and its proximity with theRajputana  areas in the North-West, which were increasingly in turmoil. Thus the capital was shifted to  Lahore  so that Akbar could have a base in the less stable part of the empire, before moving back Agra in 1598, where he had begun his reign as he shifted his focus to  Deccan. [6]  In fact, he never returned to the city exc ept for a brief period in 1601. 7][8]  In later Mughal history it was occupied for a short while by Mughal emperor,  Muhammad Shah  (r. 1719 -1748), and his  regent,  SayyidHussain Ali Khan Barha, one of the  Syed Brothers, was murdered here in 1720. Today much of the imperial complex which spread over nearly two mile long and one mile wide area is largely intact and resembles a  ghost town. It is still surrounded by a five mile long wall built during its original construction, on three sides. However apart from the imperial buildings complex few other buildings stand in the area, which is mostly barren, except of ruins of the  bazaars  of the old city near theNaubat Khana, the drum-house entrance at Agra Road. The modern town lies at the western end of the complex, which was a municipality from 1865 to 1904, and later made a notified area, and in 1901 had a population of 7,147. For a long time it was still known for its masons and stone carvers, though in Akbar time it was known and fabrics of hair and silk-spinning.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

PJ Smoothies Essay Example

PJ Smoothies Essay In the world of business we live in today, marketing has a crucial role. In the previous days, back in the first days of the industrial revolution, entrepreneurs believed that it only production that was important. All resources are dedicated to increase the capacity for producing good and services with little worries of whether the products were going to get sold. This sentiment lasted for decades because people in the past were still craving at the marvel of technology and mass production, which entrepreneurs have little care of the amount they produce, because generally, no matter how much they produce, the society absorbs.Of course, this is nothing like the present day. Today, mass production and technological advancements have become natural parts of people’s lives. There is no sense in producing without considering how much the market would be willing to absorb. There are times when people are easier to influence using many kinds of marketing efforts and ‘tricksâ⠂¬â„¢. However, people of the day have seemed to go pass that stage. Marketing jargons and propaganda can no longer dictate what people want. Consumes are more critical and selective. Today, marketers must be sensitive of where the market’s interest are growing today, and act upon it.Today, marketing should be the guide of any production decision. Moreover, marketing should be involved in almost all stages of product design and even pricing. This is important because in the end, only marketers have the most vivid idea of what consumers want and how much they will pay to obtain it. This concept is well known and there are many companies turn into market-based companies. However, there are those that get tangled-up in the complexity of their own businesses and deviate from their existing market niches.Within this paper, I will discuss the marketing strategy that is appropriate for smoothies, the new trend of drinking in United Kingdom. The paper will contain suggestions of stra tegic position and the appropriate marketing mix to support that strategic position.II.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Product and Corporate BackgroundII.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Product BackgroundSmoothies are the new trend of drinks in United Kingdom. In simple definition it is a fruit drink. Some may refer to it as a fruit juice, but PJ refer to them as crushed fruit. There is a rather different understanding regarding the two definitions. The first is smoothies made of juiced fruit, which has more of a juice-flavor and nutrient contents. On the other hand PJ smoothies are made out of concentrated fruit juice, which is closer to the ‘crushed fruit’ definition and sets the differences between ordinary juice and smoothies. Other characteristics that created differences between smoothies and juices are that smoothies uses yogurt as a mixed ingredients along with the various fruits (‘Pulp Friction’, 2004).The drink became popula r because it has a recreational sense within it and it is in line with the health sentiment to have at least five portions of fruit and vegetables daily. Nevertheless, there are also analysts who stated that PJ Smoothies are rich with natural sugar and has a low proportion of fiber. In other words, other supplements of fruity vitamins are still necessary despite having a bottle of PJ Smoothies a day. The inventor, Harry Cragoe, stated in his defense that the drink is not meant to be an exclusive and expensive health drink, but rather an affordable healthy drink.As mentioned previously, the trend of Starbucks have gained new competition as the society looks for a healthier ‘fun’ in their drinking habit. The product has been around for a long time in the United States, but has recently been popular in United Kingdom. The UK smoothies market was created no longer than 12 years ago in 1994, when Harry Cragoe decided to import the products to UK markets because he was surpri sed not to find this delicious treat anywhere in UK. He had to sell his flat as a part of financing the business at first. Afterwards, in 1998 the company purchased a former bottling facility in an industrial estate in Newark, and began to make smoothies in the United Kingdom (‘How to Make’, 2004).The smoothies industry has developed from zero to a  £ 33 million business in just 10 years. PJ are still the market leader in respect of volumes in 2002, but sometimes, their tight competitors, Innocence, took over for several months. The competition is tight as both has controlling shares of the UK smoothies market (about 40% each)II.2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Corporate Background ‘Pete and Johny Smoothies’In its first years of production, the company gained tremendous profit because of the lack of competition. However, after the year 2000, the prices have come down to a competitive level, leaving the company with decreasing profitability. The decreasing profitabil ity continued as competition gets tighter with Innocence. By 2003, the company already reported losses instead of profits, despite its increase in sales number (John, 2005).In early 2005, the company sells itself in efforts of gaining capital to repair and develop the business. The buyer was Pepsi, who has similar market segment with the brand named Tropicana and Copella. Many considered this as a good step to restructures and further develop the business. Nevertheless, Innocent was pessimistic toward the deal. They doubt if the combination could help enhance a business with such a low profit margin (John, 2005). However, they are also taking the positive side that the deal would help the UK smoothies market to grow (‘PJ Smoothies Sells’, 2005). After the purchase, Pepsi sent its representative to help develop the product personality of the brand (‘Landor’, 2006).III.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Strategic Positioning SuggestionsIn or der to provide this paper with a more analytical structure, I am using the Porter’s five forces analysis and the SWOT analysis to help develop a deeper understanding of the smoothies industry and what competitive advantages doe PJ Smoothies have. The results of this analysis are suggestions of what PJ Smoothies should do or should be aware of in the near future. The final suggestion will be made in the four Ps marketing mix form.III.1  Ã‚  Ã‚   Porter’s Five Forces AnalysisIII.1.1. RivalryAs revealed previously, the company –which has been a separate company owned by Pepsi- currently in tight competition with Innocent, its only worthy rival. The UK Smoothies industry has a highly concentrated market with only two large companies holding up to 80 % of the entire market share. However, the competition between these two is tight. In early years, PJ, who had the first start, led the way by 70% of the market. However, the last development reveals that the company i s losing in terms of market share to Innocent. The latest available information revealed that innocent now has 46% of the market, while Smoothies has only 33%.I believe that rivalry is the most important factor that will influence the condition of PJ Smoothies in years to come. Although some stated that harsh competition might scare away customers, but acknowledging the threat is necessary nonetheless. Competition should not be sees as a way to knock each other down; rather it is a way of learning from each other. I believe that PJ Smoothies have a lot to learn from this competitive atmosphere.III.1.2. Threats of SubstitutesSubstitutes are products of another industry or from the smoothies industry itself that consumers could use as a replacement of the original smoothies. The substitutes generally have lower level of quality and smaller cost structure that allow cheaper prices. However, it might not contain all the nutrients that are offered by the original smoothies. Regarding the smoothies’ product, substitutes come from fruit juice drinks products.The low cost of production allows just about anyone to produce fruit juice by themselves. The threat of substitutes does not necessarily come from companies of PJ’s scale. Rather, a small-scale stores or restaurant that sold good blend of fruit juice could take away market share from the company. There are many shops in UK that provided such fruit juice, and they have daily basis customers. In respect of this condition, it is largely necessary to differentiate the product in prices and flavors. I believe distinctive flavors and product personality are crucial for PJ Smoothies to gain a place in the market.III.1.3. Buyer PowerThis factor represents the threat that comes from consumers that overpowers producers. In some industries, due to the small amount or concentrated consumers, they posses a strong influence to the producers. Regarding the smoothies product however, such threats do not exist becau se consumers are from various level of social and economic stature. They are many and fragmented in nature. There is no sense in thinking that customers would integrate themselves and pose as a new threat to PJ Smoothies.III.1.4. Supplier PowerSupplier powers are the extent of influence possessed by providers of materials and equipment of the company’s production facility. They would have considerable influence if they are small or concentrated in number, or the materials are unique in nature. This factor also hold no threat toward the company. The business has simple ingredients structure and there are many providers. The type of tools and equipment necessary to produce also has numerous providers in such market as the United Kingdom. Thus, the supplier holds little influence.III.1.5 Barriers to EntryThis factor, on the other hand, has significant influence in the business. There are considerably small factors that could prevent anyone form entering the industry. The cost of capital to start the business is comparatively small and there are no restrictions form the government or patents that pose as a significant barrier. Technological issues pose some but insufficient barrier to keep competitors away. In other words, there is little reason to think that competitions would not appear out of nowhere and take portions of the market share. If PJ smoothies prefer a room for growth in the UK markets for the future, it must move fast to create a brand that has the capacity to obtain stronger consumer basis in most of the markets in UK.III.2  Ã‚  Ã‚   SWOT AnalysisIII.2.1 StrengthsOne of the strengths of the product came from the fact that there are few, or even non of similar products in United Kingdom. However, this advantage has passed away as innocent enters the market. Furthermore, due to the lack of notable barriers to enter the business, there is no reason to rely on the non-existence of competition. Other strength of the company is its place as the original smoothie maker in United Kingdom. PJ brings the product to the country and redesign them in its Newark production facility.The most powerful competitive advantage of the product is its promotion toward healthy living. The product is a way of creating joyful as well as healthy lives at the same time. In the middle of a society, that has grown great consciousness toward health and a healthy life, the product has found a good place in people’s heart. The company has taken advantage of this fact by inserting the health image into the product personality designIII.2.2 WeaknessesOne of the weaknesses of the product is related to its strength. The drink is fill with natural ingredients. Harry Cragoe, the inventor, is proud of the fact that the drink does not have any preservatives as a part of its ingredients. However, fresh fruit means shorter life span, and shorter life span could only lead to shorter shelf time. The company should have rather precise market estimation be cause a short estimation will cause customers to loose trust over the product and a long estimation will cause the products to be unproductive expenses.Other type of weakness that I would like to underline is the weak differentiation strategy of the product. As mentioned previously, the product would receive considerable competition from its surrounding environment and the only way to face such threat is by developing a strong differentiation strategy. The product must be distinctive and deliver unparalleled value to consumers (Doyle, 2000).Currently, the strategy of the company is not to be an elitist drink. In a way, the company directed its product to foster simplicity that would create the image of everyone’s drink. Concerning the importance of having a differentiation strategy as mentioned above, this simplicity image is not a good idea at all. People would see it as another drink in the market and they will go for competitor’s product who manages to deliver a hig h class and attractive image with competitive prices.The third weakness is the fact that the industry seem to have a very low selling price and a considerably high cost structure. The profit margin within the business has apparently been lower than expected. This could pose as a great threat as the product expands to larger volume of production.III.2.3 OpportunitiesOpportunities for the company come from its reputation and its new market all around the United Kingdom. Articles of various newspaper stated that smoothies is the new trend after Starbucks. This type of publication will keep people curious of how the product really taste. If the company manages to provide new consumers with quality that fulfill their expectations, the company will gain new daily customer as a result.The second opportunity is the children market. There is a great chance that the product will receive a good welcome by the children market because of its healthy traits. Parents would be glad to give their ch ildren a healthier drink compare to soft drinks or any other lack-of-nutrition drinks. However, this would only work if the company is able to insert some element within the product personality that is appealing to children. The sense of fun, friendly and cheerful in the products is important to obtain such achievement.III.2.4 ThreatsOne of the most apparent threats seems to attack the strength of the product itself. Some analysts claim that PJ smoothies have a high content of natural sugar and low fiber, which means that the health-promoting role is not as dominant as the company might want. The second threat comes from competitors like Innocent. If the company fails to deliver the right product image and make a worthy distinction out of itself, there is little chance that PJ will be able to maintain its 30% share of the smoothies market.IV.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Marketing MixIn spite of the various factors of strategic positioning mentioned above, marketing decision eventually comes down to four types of decisions. They are called the marketing mix. They are tools to help marketers implement their strategic considerations into more actionable forms (Borden, 1994. Lauterborn, 1990). It is considered the final step of designing a marketing plan. In this paper, these four aspects of marketing strategy are the outcomes of the considerations mentioned in previous chapters.IV.1  Ã‚  Ã‚   ProductThere are several aspects of the product’s characteristics. The first is the name. Pete and Johny are not real names. They are fictional character created by Harry Cragoe to create the image of simplicity toward the product. He wanted the product to provide the sense of closeness to its consumers, away from exclusiveness and anything that will cause consumer to feel not at home. Prior to the buyout with Pepsi, the packaging and styling of the product is designed with similar intention. It was design to be simple and away from any i mage of an elitist drink.In a review of the competition between PJ and Innocent, Innocent stated that instead of mixing yogurt with pure fruit juice, PJ mixed concentrated juice as the primary ingredients. Many considered this would reduce the flavor of the drink, but Harry Cragoe said that it suit his statement that he is selling crushed fruit instead of fruit juice. This unpopular choice is also a part of Cragoe’s plan to maintain a certain image simplicity of the product.As a part of my conclusion within this paper, I believe that the simplicity and the ‘drink for all’ image is not working as good as Harry Cragoe might have expected. As said in several magazine articles, the company never performs adequate marketing research prior to determining the product strategy. The product strategy started the moment PJ Smoothies open their producing facility in Newark. The strategy worked for several years because their competition, Innocent, has not fully developed the ir strategy yet. After Innocent revealed their ‘more exclusive’ strategy, the market seemed to turn to Innocent instead of PJ.Therefore, as a part of the new marketing strategy for PJ Smoothies after the acquisition by Tropicana, I believe that the company should design a bolder strategy. One that would involve a much more recognizable, attractive and outgoing packaging. This could also work with the new children market. The image of simplicity is unattractive and rather boring. The image should turn from simplicity to fun and popular, an image that make people see PJ Smoothies as what the newspapers said about them these days, the new drinking trend that replaced Starbucks.IV.2  Ã‚  Ã‚   PriceAs mentioned previously, the product seemed to have a much smaller profit margin than expected. The profit margin stumbles as a result of the tight competition with Innocent. Harry Cragoe stated that the company was trying to deliver consumers with the drink-for-all smoothies. T his unavoidably means cheaper prices as well. Nevertheless, in spite of having cheaper prices than Innocent has, the competitor still took away market leadership by 2003. This revealed the fact that price was not the sole factor that contributes to sales number.As a part of the new and bolder strategy, I believe that the company should focus on changing the image of the product first. If the change is performed with adequate marketing research and consumer behavior considerations then the price of PJ Smoothies will rise along with market share (Culliton 1968).IV.3  Ã‚  Ã‚   PromotionDue to the new nature of the product and the wide range of ‘untouch’ market available, promotion has a crucial role in the development of PJ Smoothies, especially to target the upcoming children market. By experience, the most effective method to introduce such product is by giving free trials to people. Beside free sales promotions, aggressive marketing using billboards and advertisements is also important to keep the product in people’s mind (Frey, 1961).IV.4  Ã‚  Ã‚   PlacementSince there are many people in Britain that have not had a taste of PJ Smoothies, the product has a wide range of area to cover. Moreover, as stated previously, it is important to develop presence in most market of the United Kingdom to ensure brad loyalty and make it easier for future expansion of the brand. The company has only 25 days of shelf time, which demanded a quick delivery system to prevent deterioration. The product also need to be frozen in delivery, thus, the delivery system will cost the company a little more than other companies.To safe money and shelf time, the product should be delivered directly from the Newark factory to retailer’s stores rather than converging them into distribution warehouses in each area. Therefore, transportation is an important element of PJ Smoothies’ distribution system. There are two choices of distribution model. A private distribution model, which requires the company to have its own delivery fleet, and an outsourcing distribution model, which involves external transportation services in delivering the products. In a small scale, outsourcing would be a preferable distribution strategy. However, after the merger with Pepsi, the smoothies segment would most likely collaborate with distribution system of other Pepsi brands (Klinger, 2005).

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Divorce Scholarship Essay †Young Writers Contest

Divorce Scholarship Essay – Young Writers Contest Free Online Research Papers Divorce Scholarship Essay Young Writers Contest It was a Friday like any other Friday, but when my parents said they wanted to have a talk, I knew there was going to be something different about this Friday. When my parents say they want to have a â€Å"talk† both my brother and I know it is never a good sign. A â€Å"talk† is usually an indication of some major catastrophe like a move, layoff, or family member dying. Immediately I had a sinking feeling that ran all the way to my feet, making them feel like bricks. As I walked toward the living room where all our family talks took place, I racked my brain to figure out what it was that my parents had to tell my brother and I. Finally, it hit me. I stole a glance in my brother’s direction, and from the look on his face we were thinking the same thing. We slumped onto the couch, not sure if we were ready for what was ahead. It was my mom who spoke first. â€Å"We want to tell you both first of all that we love you and that nothing in the whole world could ever change that.† That was all she had to say because I knew what this was all about. â€Å"Your father and I aren’t getting along very well and we’ve tried everything,† she stated. Then hesitantly continued, â€Å" We are getting a divorce†. Those words were like a slap in the face. It took me a second for those words to sink in, but once they did, from that point on everything else went in one ear and out the other. I was in shock. My dad added that he and my mom were both there for us if and when we needed to talk, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. All I wanted to do was go into my room and cry. I looked in my brother’s direction as we walked out of the room. We both were hurt deeply but had tried not to show it in front of our parents, so it was only when we were out of sight that the tears soaked our faces. When we reached my room, he stopped and hugged me. The warmth that came from that hug that I to this day can’t describe. It brought both calming and soothing that told me that everything was going to be all right. That hug exactly what I needed and it was the best hug that I’ve ever had in my whole life. There is no doubt in my mind, on that day god was there hugging me as well. Today, god is still hugging and carrying me through this rough time. The divorce was a terrible thing by anyone’s standards, but yet I know I have hope. I God has helped me look at this experience not for what I’ve lost, but rather for what I’ve gained and learned. Before that day I’d never really cherished my relationships with each member of my family. I never thought about how much I enjoyed the car rides to school with my dad listening to the music that we both love. I never realized how much my brother and I got along and how much fun we could have together. I also learned and could see the difference between the way a person deals with a catastrophe when they have Christ in their life as opposed the way a person would deal without him. I learned that no matter how old you are, things can still be rough and unbearable. It is in those times that you need a hug and someone to stand by you. Now, I have a better relationship with my brother than I ever have before all because we’ve been through the same tough times. We are friends rather than just siblings. Also, from this experience, I learned that it was god who was holding me. I honestly believe I would not be able to talk or deal with the divorce if it wasn’t for the awesome creator who was with me through everything. He is the one who held my hand through the â€Å"talk†. He is the one who walked next to me when I helped my dad move his things into his new apartment. He is the one who gave me the strength not to just break down and give up. He also put people in my life to help me through. My dad now has his own apartment close by. I chose not to have to spend every other weekend at my dads but rather to plan activities and times to see him that are not regulated by any court or judge. I wanted this so I would not feel like I was forced reluctantly to see my father. However, now it is my part to plan to do things with him, and through this our relationship, which I had never had, has flourished. I actually enjoy going to see my dad and doing things with him. I learned to cherish life. Life can be cruel, brutal, and can change with a blink of an eye. However, if you believe in yourself and trust in god, whatever life throws in your direction is possible. Also, life is about more than just activities and school, it is about relationships and family as well. Someone once said that you don’t get to choose family. This is true but you do get to choose how you handle your relationships with your family. When all your friends are gone, family is all that you have left. Research Papers on Divorce Scholarship Essay - Young Writers ContestThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Hockey GameNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceHip-Hop is ArtComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Spring and Autumn

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nuclear Power Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nuclear Power - Research Paper Example In this reaction, the heavier and unstable nuclei breakup into corresponding smaller nuclei releasing a large amount of energy (nearly infinite amount of energy). The two corresponding nuclei split into other lighter nuclei again releasing large amount of energy. Thus the reaction continues until all the radioactive material releases energy. The energy released in the process is the thermal energy, which is then converted to the electrical energy by utilizing the procedure utilized in the thermal power plant. The process involves the generation of steam, heating the steam to 600 degrees and then utilizing the steam to run the turbine that runs the generator. The energy released in the nuclear reaction sometime become excessive than the required amount. In this way, there is a need to remove the excess energy from the reactor to prevent any reaction. To control the evolution of heat in the reaction several methods are adopted like utilizing the water as a coolant to dispose off the ex cess thermal energy, utilizing neutron moderator, molten salt or liquid metal. The most common method is to utilize the water while neutron moderator that slows the reaction down is also utilized. Graphite is a type of neutron moderator that is mostly used in the nuclear reactor. Cooling towers construction method is utilized for the power plants that are far from the shores. A nuclear power plant has seven major components. The most important is the nuclear fuel that is mostly Uranium. The second important component is the moderator that slows the reaction. Mostly heavy water and graphite are utilized to work as moderator. Control rods are also important component that absorb the neutrons and control the thermodynamics of the reactor. Elements such as cadmium, hafnium or born can be utilized in the control rods. Coolant is also an important factor that constantly maintains the thermal energy of the reactor. A liquid (mostly water) or a gas circulates through the core to remove the excess heat from the reactor. Pressure vessel or pressure tubes are also important component of the nuclear power plant. Reinforced steel is utilized in the component to resist the pressure of steam, hold the fuel and convey the coolant and moderator to the nuclear power plant. Steam generator is utilized in the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) where a part of cooling water is converted to steam to run the turbine. The cooling system is separated from the primary core compartment (World-Nuclear. Association, 2012). Containment is the structure around the reactor core that protects the reactor from outer environment and outer environment from the reactor. There are many advantage and disadvantages of the nuclear power. The most important benefit of the nuclear power is that the nuclear power is free from the green house gas emissions. Another advantage of the nuclear power is that it is the most concentrated form of power and a kilogram of nuclear fuel yields as much power as a ton of coal, thus minimize the solid wastes. Nuclear power is the type of power that is best capable of providing the base load (Moens, 2012). However, the major disadvantage of the nuclear power is that it has the largest capital cost that any other power generation system would have, which rises the per kilowatt cost of the power. Another disadvantage is that the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The place that we grow up in shapes our personality and our life Essay

The place that we grow up in shapes our personality and our life forever. Did you grow up in a rural town, in a crowded city, in - Essay Example I attended elementary school in this town, went for my first nature trail here, learned how to ride a bicycle and most importantly learned how to live with other people by interacting with the people of Flagstaff town. All my childhood memories are based on this beautiful town. The beautiful sceneries of Flagstaff and its caring community have influenced my persona and shaped my personality. The people of Flagstaff are warm and very friendly even to strangers. As I was growing up in Flagstaff, many of the people I interacted with believed that one should treat others the same way he or she would want to be treated. Their actions are filled with kindness and they conduct themselves with humility. The people of Flagstaff imparted these qualities on me when I was a child and I have lived to practice deeds that emulate them even when other people try to take advantage of my nature. My parents, who are Flagstaff natives, have treated other people respectfully and they have instilled the s ame on me by being a great example, thus demonstrating the manner in which I should conduct myself when interacting with other people. Flagstaff is considered one of the safest towns in Arizona as the criminal activities are isolated. The people of Flagstaff are very close and this aspect has helped them foster peace with one another. Every individual enjoys a close relationship with the people from the surrounding area, therefore, making perpetration of a crime, a difficult task. Some people from our neighborhood often joked that the little criminal activities present, were perpetrated by non-Flagstaff residents as they believed that the community did not host any criminals. Growing up in this community, one was taught to ask but never to obtain anything without the owner’s consent. My neighbor, an elderly woman, usually left her backdoor open so that the cool breeze could cool her house during the summer and no one took a piece her delicious pies without asking her for it. This is a tradition of the people of Flagstaff and assimilating it has led me to become an honest person who loves to interact with the people that I live with. Other people are able to trust me because I am able to foster honesty with them. Flagstaff is well-known for its scenic beauty, the mountainous outdoors, the nature trails and the ponderosa pine forests that make it an amenable place to camp. I fell in love with nature when I was still a kid and my father used to take my siblings and me for camping, mountaineering and mountain biking in the adjacent parks. Flagstaff is surrounded by various parks like Buffalo Park, Thorne Park and Wheeler Park, which provide great camping sites for the camping enthusiasts (Tripadvisor). It always turned out to be a great experience whenever my father took us camping as we were able to watch the different kinds of birds and animals during the day, and watch the constellations of stars at night. Camping in these areas of Flagstaff revealed tha t I had a passion for nature. Whether it was the beautiful green scenery filled with cold fresh air or it was the sandy, dry desert climate, it brought a feeling of calmness as I strolled peacefully across the environs of Flagstaff. The beautiful scenery of Flagstaff that is characterized by a pollution free environment inspired me to appreciate the environment for the many advantages associated with it. The natural beauty surrounding Flagstaff is phenomenal and the amazing places a person can

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marketing Strategy for a Nuclear Power Plant Development Proposal in Essay

Marketing Strategy for a Nuclear Power Plant Development Proposal in Sizewell C - Essay Example However considering the fact that UK is beginning to show signs of recovery and the credit markets beginning to show signs of resurgence it appears to a be a good choice for investment. Sociological Sociological aspects pertaining to the use of non renewable sources of energy have gained large scale importance considering the growing awareness of individuals towards the environment. Nuclear plants have added concerns about security following the aftermaths of the crisis in Japan. Technological Concerns about safety and security of the workers and general population assume importance in case of nuclear power plants. Enactment of the Health and Safety at Work Act in UK has served to include more technological concerns. Environmental Nuclear plants have always been under criticism from the society due to the aspect of harmful emissions. Every nation has its set of environmental laws that are mandatory for every nuclear power plant. Legal There are a number of legislations in place for nuclear reactors. UK as compared to some of its counterparts like Germany still favours setting up of these plants as a large price of energy for meeting the ever growing energy requirements. Target Market Analysis The nuclear energy market in UK can be divided into five main target segments namely, the civilian customer, defence, power supply to submarines and corporate customer segments (Wright, 2010, p.1). The company would normally target the corporate customers including those with manufacturing facilities under a direct contract as

Friday, November 15, 2019

Implementing a Personal Development Plan

Implementing a Personal Development Plan Personal and professional skills are very essential to achieve strategic goals. Manager can perform his responsibilities and duties properly by using these skills. It is the process that is designed to enable the readers to take responsibility for their learning and development needs to meet personal, professional as well as organizational goals and objectives. We can achieve this by analyzing and defining current skills, as well as and preparing and implementing personal development plans. Personal and professional skills help the learner to be competent in the competitive business world and sustain as a skilled professional. This will also help the learner to adopt the necessary skills and developments need to perform is duties effectively. So it is the responsibilities of the managers need to develop their personal and professional improvements plan to achieve new knowledge and experiences so that they can cope with the competitive and changing business world. What is a Skill Audit? There are variety of skills which are not only important to learning in higher education and academic career but also to our personal development and professional career. The following skills audit has been prepared to assist to identify the strengths, weaknesses and scope of for development in various skills areas that will help the learner to be a skilled professional in his career. Conducting a skill audit Skill area/ scope I can perform this in well manner yes , but I need more practice to do I canà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢t perform this well manner Priority development of this skill 1 = very important, 2 = quite important, 3 = not important Organization of learning I have the strategies to help me to plan and arrange my time 1  I am able to properly priorities my works and activities 2  I am able to perform work to in time Information searching skill I am always able to find a definite book or journal in the bookstore/ library using the on-line catalogue system I am able to use a different sources to find information and various data related to my studies  (e.g. journals. books, electronic resources) I am able to use finding gateways on the net to find information and data Studying and note making I can decide which source of a book I need to study I have a procedures for recording where I find data (e.g. book, author, date) IT sector I am able to use various word processing software package to do my assignments and reports I can use many different types computer software (e.g. Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access and so on ) Stress Management I know well what creates stress I am able to understand of my personal markings or symptom of stress I can use various strategies to assist me deal with stress Personal and professional Development Plan I am always able to identify my personal goals and targets I am always able to plan for my personal development and professional Development Plan Personal and Professional Skills Counseling It is counseling which has become a popular and familiar ways of offering advice and assisting the staff development. It can be included assistance with the new projects and ventures, as well as providing general advice. There are two general ways: the two ways are described below; Directive counseling: Directive counseling involves the ways in which we taking initiative and actually providing various suggesting methods and solutions. The most possible outcome of different courses of action is ranged and a variety of action can be taken as a measures. Indirect counseling: Indirect counseling involves the ways that only the counselee is capable of defining and managing rightly his or her difficulties and problems and that are the most promotive way of finding to the core of a difficulty which is essential to encourage the other party to discuss the matter at a length of duration.. Management Skills It is very essential to gain skills in three different areas to be an effective and efficient manager, which are: task execution, commercial insight and People skills. Commercial Insight Commercial Insight is a set of skills that emphasizes managers efficiency and properly and, in the case of private sector managers, profitability or return on investment. Managers often use strategic knowledge to ensure that they do the accurate task, which will help to profitability and achievement of corporate goals and objectives. Management versus leadership quality Managers are the main authority of a corporation who occupy important positions of firms. Management of the firm is his responsibilities. On the other hand, leadership is an occasional task, such as creativity. It is not like a role. Managers often show leadership when they bring change in an organization but it is the duty of all employees to advocate a change in direction. Skills required for Effective Management and leadership quality For management and for better result there is very essential for being effective and efficient management. Without this an organization cannot reach its ultimate target. So for getting better result the following Management and leadership skills are very essential. Management Skills It is essential to have skills in three different areas to be a good and effective manager. The three areas include task execution and commercial insight as well as people skills. Some manager may have one or two of these qualities but it is very essential to have the three areas for being a good and effective manager. Observation Observation is very important which can help a manager to observe his fellow people in a right manner. Manger needs to observe the activities of the fellow personal to see whether they perform their task or not. Monitoring Employee Performance It is very essential to monitor employee performance in mutually accepted methods. All Policies and procedures that are set need to be clear and prudent. If the performance of employees is monitored on a regular basis they can surely do better. Implementing Professional Development Programs A good leader is one who can identify the strength and weakness of the fellow people and arrange development programs to improve their condition. Good Decision Making A good leader is one who can make wise and good decision. Without making good decision it is not possible for a leader to perform his duties properly. A good leader needs to consider all the inside and outside factors before making a decision. Ways to improve personal and professional Skills We may have brilliant ideas and you may have work hard. But these will not work well if we fail to connect with the people work around your side. If you fail to do it is sure that you will damage your professional career.You are viewing page 1 Bottom of Form There are ten helpful ways that help to improve personal skills in a man: Smile. One can manage people very easily simply by smiling. So it is very urgent to maintain smile in all the ways of our professional life. Always be appreciative. Always try to be generous with praise and kind words. When people help you it is essential to thank them. Always be attentive. It is very important to be attentive when someone talks to us. Practice active listening. One can improve his qualities by regular basis practice on listening. Bring people together. It is very urgent to Treat everyone equally and same manner. We need to listen carefully and value what people say. Resolve possible conflicts. If there any conflict arises it is very important to resolve the conflict between the parties so that no further conflicts arise. Communicate clearly. Always clear and effective communication is required to avoid misunderstandings among coworkers, colleagues, as well as associates. Humor. Always try not to be afraid to be funny or cunning. See from other side. Always try to consider from the other side. This will help you to perform your duties properly. Dont complain. It is very essential not to complain against other. Personal SWOT analysis (an example of mine) My SWOT analysis is as follows. Key Strengths Im very enthusiastic. I can communicate in good manner with my fellow people. I have the ability to questions to find just the right professional angle. Im very committed to success. Key Weaknesses I always take more times to decide any decision which sometimes lengthen my projects. This sort of quality always faces me at a stress when I have too many works. Key Opportunities Im going to arrange a seminar for developing career which will help me to expand my capacity. The markets are expanding widely. As a result there is huge capacity for us to capture the market. Possible threats One of my co-workers Mr. Ajman is more fluent than me and he is always thinking him as my competitors. Because there are great shortage of employees, so a huge work load has fallen on me which will damage my capacity The current economic condition is not well. Personal development planning It is Personal development planning which is the process by which we can improve our ability in education, learning and career. The personal development planning can work in the following ways; Stage 1 Profiling Ourselves It is the first point for our individual professional development plan and should include the ways in which we can set our Personal development planning Stage 2 Define the Strategy The second step of personal development is defining the strategy. We have to make the strategy which can focus the maximum areas of the impact so this can meet both our personal and professional needs to achieve our objectives. Stage 3 à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Improve an Action Plan The next step of personal development plan is developing an action plan. An effective action plan has some elements which are given below: A clear statement of the goal to be achieved The actions required to achieve the goal The target timescale for achieving the goal Criteria to assess when we have reached our goal Stage 4 Learning methods There are many ways to divide the learning styles and procedures, but the easiest ways is the one of the following ways: Visual ways à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ visual learning is the ways in which learners can read books, magazine and internet. Auditory this is the ways which is similar to hearing. Dialogue and discussion is essential in this ways Stage 5 Evaluation and Reflection The last step of personal development plan is evaluation and reflection. This step is similar to the ways in which we evaluate what we learn from the development plan as described above. Conclusion Form the above discussion and analysis we can be concluded that developing personal and professional skill is not single time task but it is a continuous and ongoing process because working environment and essential job skills are changing very rapidly. Professional development is not a new concept, but it is becoming increasingly important. Personal and professional development is very essential to sustain in the competitive business world. Everything in business world is changing rapidly. So to perform the task it is mandatory to develop ourselves. We have entered the knowledge-based economy. Thus it very important and essential task for all level of managers to evaluate their personal and professional skill on a continuous basis through skill audit and personal development plan as well as to take necessary actions to do better and cope with the changing situation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Poetic Form in Hughes Theme for English B Essay -- Theme English B E

Since the beginning of our country's history, people of African descent have continuously undergone persecution by those of European descent. Although the state of racial affairs in the 1990's is an enormous improvement from the days of slavery, racial tension still exists. In the twentieth century, no time surpasses the 1950's and 1960's in relation to racial injustice and violence. In every facet of American life, prejudice and racial inequality exude during these tumultuous twenty years. Langston Hughes, an African-American writer, exposes the divisions between Caucasians and African Americans in the social construct of the educational system during this chaotic time period. In Hughes' poem, "Theme for English B," he discusses racism through the stage of a university in America, using narrative and poetic devices to express the feelings and emotions involved in the struggle for equality. The poem's structure divides into three main stanzas with a one-line form at the end. Written in free verse, the poem is unencumbered from restrictions regarding its structure and rhyme scheme. The use of free verse adds to the poem's stream-of-consciousness flow. The rhythm found in the poem is a random mix of beats and stressed and unstressed syllables. Reading the poem aloud, the rhythm resonates like a jazz song. In addition to the three main stanzas, seven major sections appear as the writing progresses. The social situation of the 1950's is the basis for the poem. The antecedent scenario suggests a newly segregated university and an African-American student attempting to break racial barriers. The speaker of the poem feels uncomfortable in his class of all Caucasian students. Isolated in class, he is overwhelmingly reminded of his d... ... the new kid, the only kid with glasses, or of a different religion or culture. Through his use of structure, the audience feels all of the emotions the writer. As the writer goes through his day and starts to write, the audience understands his trials and tribulations with the help of stanza forms and content. The shape of the poem and the form used follows his life through the confines of the paper, makes his way throught the trials and tribulations of African-American life in the 1950's. Works Cited Scaife, Ross. "A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples." URL: Turco, Lewis. The New Book of Forms: A Handbook of Poetics. Hanover: University Press of New England; 1986. Vendler, Helen. Poems, Poets, Poetry: An Introduction and Anthology. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press; 1997. Â  

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Safety on Public Transportation

One of the major features of any developed society is mass mobility. In order for man to fulfill his obligation put food on his table, man has to move around. Thus mobility is an essential aspect of human life. Man has to move from one destination to another. Elementary Science has described this as a natural feature of human beings. Over the years, the growth of technology as made for variables when it comes to human transportation. One of such means of transportation is public transportation. Although transportation is a necessity to most people in America, it will be alarming to note that Americans spend more trying to meet up with their daily needs. Compared to other countries in the world, an average American spends more to move around. As part of the government’s efforts to ensure a better standard of living for the citizen, the public transport system is an initiative of the government tailored towards reduction of the price incurred on transportation by Americans. Therefore, Americans now have a choice which provides a greater freedom. However, as commendable as this initiative is, Public Transportation has its good and bad sides. There are some dangers that one is open to when one takes a public transport. To begin with, the security and privacy one enjoys when one is moving around in one’s private car is better than when we are moving around in public transport. Statistics have shown that people moving around in public transportation are susceptible to insecurity than those transporting privately. On the issue of crime in public transportation, the police department and other organizations have given tips on how to avoid crime in public transportation. For all I care, the next person to you might be a serial killer or the lousy old woman might actually be planning to steal your wallet. At this point, one will be unfair not to admit that public transportation has had a lot of positive impact on the pockets of Americans. With the insistent rise in the prices of gasoline in America, public transportation has being a good alternative for the people of America. At least it has helped save more money that should have been used in the purchase of gasoline. It is also effective and reliable. The next time you are about to meet an appointment and you want to go by public transportation, make sure you have it at the back of your mind that although some dollars will be saved, there is the risk of falling a victim. Therefore, be vigilant and alert!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Inflation Rate in Russia Over 16 Years.

Inflation Rate in Russia Over 16 Years. Free Online Research Papers The purpose of this report is to show what has been happening to the rate of inflation of Russia for the past 18 to 20 years. After investigating looking at last year (2006) results, it can be stated with confidence that the countrys deepest economic recession of its transition to a market economy has been completely overcome. Inflation in 2005 was about 9%, its lowest level in 15 years. Moreover, from 2000 to 2005, consumer demand internally has grown by 12% each year, which is a good sign of a modern economy. Russia possesses ample supplies of many of the worlds most valued natural resources. However, most such resources are located in remote and climatically unfavorable areas that are difficult to develop and far from Russian ports. For nearly sixty years, the Russian economy and that of the rest of the Soviet Union operated on the basis of a centrally planned economy. Russias economy is difficult to be measured in comparison to other countries due to its high rate of inflation and price-fixing for certain utilities. Inflation refers to the general sustained rise in the level of prices of goods services. The rate of inflation is measured by calculating the percentage price increase in goods services, usually over a year. Economists agree that the main cause of inflation is ‘too much money chasing too few goods’. This means people are able to increase their spending on goods faster than producers can supply the goods they want to buy. The rise in spending causes an excess of aggregate demand for goods services their prices are forced upwards. * The costs of inflation to the economy  · Many pensioners are on fixed pensions so inflation reduces the real value of their income year on year.  · Inflation usually leads to higher nominal interest rates that should have a deflationary effect on GDP.  · Inflation can also cause a disruption of business planning – uncertainty about the future makes planning difficult and this may have an adverse effect on the level of planned capital investment.  · Some economists say that inflation causes unemployment. As prices rise, people can’t afford to buy so many goods services so demand falls. In addition, some people save more in times of high inflation to protect the real value of their savings. This again means less spending on goods services. As a result firms may cut their output make resources, including labour, unemployed. * Inflation in Russia Two fundamental and interdependent goals macroeconomic stabilization and economic restructuring - marked the transition from central planning to a market-based economy (In 1990). Opening domestic markets to foreign trade and investment, thus linking the economy with the rest of the world, was an important aid in reaching these goals. In 1992, the first year of economic reform, retail prices in Russia increased by 2,520%. A major cause of the increase was the decontrol of most prices in January 1992, a step that prompted an average price increase of 245% in that month alone. In October 1991, a program of radical economic reforms was established which laid out a number of macroeconomic policy measures to achieve stabilization. It called for sharp reductions in government spending, targeting outlays for public investment projects, defense, and producer and consumer subsidies. The program aimed at reducing the government budget deficit from its 1991 level of 20% of GDP to 9% of GDP by t he second half of 1992 and to 3% by 1993. In the monetary sphere, the economic program required the Russian Central Bank to cut subsidized credits to enterprises and to restrict money supply growth. The program called for the shrinkage of inflation from 12% per month in 1991 to 3% per month in mid-1993. By 1993 the annual rate had declined to 240%, still a very high figure. In 1994 the inflation rate had improved to 224%. Trends in annual inflation rates mask variations in monthly rates, however. In 1994, for example, the government managed to reduce monthly rates from 21% in January to 4% in August, but rates climbed once again, to 16.4% by December and 18% by January 1995. Instability in Russian monetary policy caused the variations. After tightening the flow of money early in 1994, the Government loosened its restrictions in response to demands for credits by agriculture, industries in the Far North, and some favored large enterprises. In 1995 the pattern was avoided more successfully by maintaining the tight monetary policy adopted early in the year and by passing a relatively stringent budget. Thus, the monthly inflation rate held virtually steady below 5% in the last quarter of the year. For the first half of 1996, the inflation rate was 16.5%. However, experts noted that control of inflation was aided substantially by the failure to pay wages to workers in state enterprises, a policy that kept prices low by depressing demand. During January-July 1998, the pace of inflation slowed more, with cumulative CPI growth over the period declining to only 4.2 percent, compared to 9.6 percent in the year-earlier period. The slowdown in inflation in the first half of 1998 was due to a strict monetary policy adopted as a result of the deepening financial crisis. In 2001, the reduction in inflation was mostly due to a seasonal decline in food prices. Higher inflation in 2005 than in 2004 was due in large part to increases in administered utilities prices early in the year. The primary source of inflationary pressures in Russia remains the huge balance of payments surplus. As oil prices grow, so do the potential pressures for inflation or nominal currency appreciation. Year Inflation % 1999 36.5 2000 20.2 2001 18.8 2002 15.1 2003 12.1 2004 11.7 20052006 10.94.1 Contribution of Key Factors to Inflation in 2003 2004 * Inflation in the future Therell be a considerable increase in inflation forecasts; the reason for this will be a substantial jump in tariffs of natural monopolies as of 2008 (their growth rate will be 50-100% higher). 2007 2008 2009 2010 Inflation CPI% 8.5 8 7.5 7 A strong expansion in internal demand continues to drive economic growth in Russia, although a slowdown in most manufacturing and tradable sectors is becoming increasingly visible. Higher-than-expected inflation in early 2006 has motivated discussions of a new package of anti-inflationary measures by the government and Central Bank. Russia currently has only limited instruments for reducing core inflation. Primary among these instruments are levels of government spending (as opposed to accumulation in the Stabilization Fund), exchange rate policy, and other limited means of the Central Bank for regulating liquidity. When a larger internal bond market finally develops, the hand of the Central Bank will be strengthened considerably for the conduct of anti inflationary monetary policy. Russias lasting economic growth has served as the foundation for achieving the level of inflation in 2006. The governments efforts to restrict the money supply and the Stabilization Funds efforts to sterilize it have also had a positive effect. However, there are still reserves left for curbing inflation in 2007. Russian commodity producers competitive potential has not been fully taken advantage of. Research Papers on Inflation Rate in Russia Over 16 Years.The Effects of Illegal ImmigrationDefinition of Export QuotasPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Influences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesTwilight of the UAWIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Project Managment Office SystemNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Contents Essays - Panchayati Raj, Government, India, Free Essays

Contents Essays - Panchayati Raj, Government, India, Free Essays Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc478254526 \h 2 2. Historical perspective of Local self-Governments. PAGEREF _Toc478254527 \h 5 3. 73 rd and 74 th amendments of Constitution. PAGEREF _Toc478254528 \h 7 4. Need of Accountability of Local governments. PAGEREF _Toc478254529 \h 9 5. Devolution of funds, functions and functionaries to the PRIs. PAGEREF _Toc478254530 \h 11 6. Adequacy of systems of financial accountability in local bodies. PAGEREF _Toc478254531 \h 13 7. Initiatives of CAG in local bodies accounting and auditing. PAGEREF _Toc478254532 \h 14 8. Conclusion. PAGEREF _Toc478254533 \h 16 Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc478254534 \h 17 Acco untability of Local Governments Introduction : The concept of local self-governments is not new to India as we can find its existence in the ancient period as well as in the era of Aryans, M auryas , Rajputs etc. The local self-government system has found a new breath of life in the British reign over our country, particularly in the efforts of Lord Mayo and Lord Rippon . After Independence, various committees were formed to suggest measures for implementing effective local self governance at grass root level, e.g. Balwant rai Mehta committee, Ashok Mehta Committee, Singhvi Committee etc. Finally, 73 rd and 74 th amendments to the constitution in 1992 gave con stitutional status to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Municipalities. Chapters IX( article 243 to 243-O) and IXA( articles 243-P to 243 ZG) were added along with 11 th and 12 th schedule to deal with rural and urban local governments respectively. The 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Acts 1992,supplemented by legislation/resolutions in the States in 1994, changed the structure of governance permanently from a two-tier to a three-tier system consisting of the Union, the States and the Panchayats /Municipal Bodies with a distinct developmental orientation. With these landmark Constitutional amendments, the units of local self-governments at various tiers/levels got a new lease of life and many far-reaching changes in the Constitution and the State laws were brought about to ensure proper functioning of democracy at the grassroots. The Government of India (GOI) Task Force on Decentralisation (2001) stated, " Decentralisation in the context of panchayats means that when authority is transferred from the state to the local governments, the latter should have the prerogative of taking decisions on the planning and implementation of such activity." The functioning of the third tier of government depends on the devolution of resources, subjects and functionaries to the Panchayats and Municipalities. With increasing funds being made available to the local self-governments and the slow but gradual transfer of functions to these units, the question of accountability of these institutions has assumed great importance. The need for capacity building in accounts, budgeting, monitoring, etc. becomes all the more critical in this context. This assignment broadly addresses the issues related to improving accountability of local self-governments in India. The issue of accountability in the larger perspective involves political, administrative as well as financial accountability. This assignment however discusses the issues related to improving financial accountability of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) with focus on Comptroller Auditor General of India (CAG)'s initiatives in improving the accounting and auditing arrangements at the grass roots level. Relevant Constitutional provisions: Article 243H- Powers to impose taxes by, and funds of, the panchayats . Article 243I- Constitution of finance commission to review financial position. Article 243J- Audit of accounts of panchayats The above articles relating to panchayats are mirrored for Municip alities under articles 243X, 243Y and 243Z. If local bodies are to perform their assigned functions effectively, they must be fiscally capable and autonomous. There is a significant mismatch between functional and financial capabilities of PRIs in many states. The innovative idea of setting up state finance commissions to further augment financial resources of local bodies has also had problems in implementation. Along with transfer of funds comes the issue of administering them. There is a disjoint between functions and functionaries. In many states, Functionaries remains state officials on deputation to the local bodies, with panchayats exercising little administrative control over them. Financial accountability involves accountability for whether the money and other resources have been utilized according to the legal requirements and efficiently.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Experience with application of theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Experience with application of theory - Essay Example Indeed, it is known in psychology that most people believe in their own personal experience so much that they ignore findings of research, even if the underlying scientific evidence is very compelling (Knapp 1999, p.ix). But after all, this is not always a bad thing that we channel all events in our lives through our personal psychological filters, if we can use this term. What is important, though, that we do not lose the ability to see connections between our experiences and the strict psychological theories that attempt to structure and categorize different elements of our everyday goings-on. In this light, I will try to see how a real-life communication event that I have experienced can be interpreted and analyzed using such aspects of communication theory pertaining to interpersonal communication as the cognitive processing and mechanisms related to the psychological influence. The event that I am about to deal with is the story of friendship between me and my boyfriend Greg, and our friends Andrea and Dany, who have been themselves a couple. In fact, before we met with Greg, Dany had been his good friend, and I, in my turn, had been friends with Andrea. Perhaps it was not really surprising that after I and Greg started going out with each other, it was not long before Andrea and Dany also got acquainted. Soon, they became a couple too, and our friendship obtained a kind of a social symmetry, and perhaps due to that fact grew so that we were spending more time together that we had used to before. As I can clearly see now, by that moment our perception of each other changed and I stopped thinking of Andrea and Dany as of friends who were not completely fitting the lifestyle of me and Greg, for example because before I tended to be worried to let Greg and Dany go out together to some parties because I knew that Dany could be provoking Greg for, well, some ba chelor deeds. On the other hand, I suspect that when I wanted to spend some time with Andrea Greg could be a bit jealous that he was not always able to share the interest in topics which were of concern to us. Now, it does not mean that the mentioned factors completely disappeared after the relationship between Andrea and Dany started. But since that time I began to perceive Dany as a responsible person, and Greg, in his turn, became apparently much more easy about the time that I was spending without him with Andrea. The mentioned changes in attitudes that occurred in me, in my boyfriend, and in our friends already testify to the validity of one of the psychological mechanisms that acts during interpersonal communication and is described by the psychological approach termed constructivism. In general, constructivism belongs to the realm of study of cognitive processing that in psychology investigates information processing as a phenomenon underlying our psychological mechanisms and functions. In its turn, constructivism advances some concepts about the way people learn something and internalize new knowledge on basis of their experiences. One of the plausible mechanisms of learning is enabled by accommodation and assimilation. Assimilation takes place in situations when experiences of people coincide with their internal perception of the world, and therefore new experiences fit into our existing world views. Accommodation happens when there

Friday, November 1, 2019

Different Aspects of Reflective Learning and How it Relates with Hinna Essay

Different Aspects of Reflective Learning and How it Relates with Hinna Azeem Jewelry - Essay Example This report also reflects how our group worked both individually and collectively in order to complete the task. Reflective learning helps us improve our future by learning from the past. A good entrepreneur is one who not only posseses reflection skills but also enhances theses skills as time goes on. Hinna Azeem has proven herself as a entrepreneur who possesses good reflection skills. She has proved this phenomenon with the actions during the course of business. Introduction Hina Azeem, a jewelry brand named under the name of its very designer has become one famous brand. The brand started its life cycle in 2000. Like every business H Azeem grew slowly but steadily and within two years of the business achieved a stable growth. Hinna Azeem, the designer, was in the view of introducing jewelry at afforable price to the community. She not only wanted the jewlery to be affordable but also wanted it to be luxurious and stylish too. She believed that wearing nice and stylish jewelry gav e a lot of psychological advantages to woman in which confidence was one major aspect. After introducing luxurious and stylish watches and jewelry for woman Hina Azeem has now planned to introduced products for men is well. She has planned to start off with gemstone cufflinks and custom made cufflinks and also offers after service products which no competitor offers at the moment. This shall give her an added advantage in the market. Her idea of pricing jewelry at affordable rates has ensured a large turnover which has led to profit making. Her business strategies and skills are impressive. She has outsourced her manufacturing to turkey, china and far off to ensure cheap labour. This tactics in return has ensured her to provide cheap and affordable prices. Instead of choosing a business strategy like that of APPLE and pricing her products highly and make it a fashion symbol, she has prefered to go about it in her own way. Even though now that has business has flourished and her bran d named developed she has shown commitment to her initial strategy and has kept her price low. She has shown her sharpness when it comes to business at many occasions. Entering the men jewelry segment which is hardly saturated and offering extra value added services has kept her spot her. She has also started sales online, which shows her sharpness with regard to use of technology. Her skills and actions make her stand out to the rest of her competitors. She has been mentioned in many journal, which is a great achievement. She is a young but at the same time a prolific entrepreneur. REPORT Below is the report sections which reflect how each of us went about in fulfilling this task. What kinds of problems we went through and how each and every one of us played our part in completing the requirements of this module. The report has been laid down in such format so each individuals work and achievement can be analysed and understood. The conclusion is right at the end, and has been achi eved not individually but as a team. Individual 1 Every entrepreneur has its own way and strategies to success. Some use their own beliefs while others may go from learning from experience of others. Some may go making new opportunities out of threats; some may simply wait and capitalize on them. We may even come across people who believe that entrepreneur are born rather than made. I personally think that people have their own view and we are to respect that fact. No one is an entrepreneur until and unless he actually enters the field of business. On his ladder to success he shall face many

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

413 week 13 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

413 week 13 - Assignment Example Physicians cum entrepreneurs have identified a business opportunity where they can â€Å"make a kill.† Nonetheless, whereas the profits from diagnostic imaging services are lucrative, the health care services are jeopardized. Using the analogy of the Tragedy of the Commons, Archie and Alexander (2010) offer the probable eventuality of the healthcare system if nothing is done to contain the entrepreneurial trend among the physicians. In their effort to maximize their profits, they gradually drive the cost of accessing medical care high. This is already evidenced in the rising expenditure on both Medicare and Medicaid associated with imaging services. Similarly, overutilization of the diagnostic imaging services may provide temporary reprieve but the long term implications are most likely to drive healthcare into the doldrums. This is because more professionals, including those with little knowledge on diagnostic procedures, may choose to invest on the imaging services so as to increase their income. This is bound to cause decline in the quality of medical care. In conclusion, entrepreneurial trend occasioned by diagnostic imaging services should be discouraged at all costs using appropriate technologies. The trend not only hurts the quality of medical care, but is bound to frustrate the code of ethics in healthcare. Because of this, this issue is most likely to be an issue in future discussions within the Healthcare Information Management

Monday, October 28, 2019

Morris Luries Pride and Joy Essay Example for Free

Morris Luries Pride and Joy Essay Write about how one character from Morris Luries Pride and Joy is presented and how this character develops key concerns in the story. Billy in Morris Luries Pride and Joy is initially presented as a 16 year old boy who literally lives his life in the footsteps of his abusive, irresponsible, bohemian father, Ned Mathews. By the end of the story Billys character has undergone a transformation to become his own person; he has broken away from his father. This short story is told in first person narrative by an anonymous narrator. This narrator is a tourist on an island in the Great Barrier Reef who tells his account of his encounter with millionaire Ned Mathews and his son, Billy. Through his characterization of Billy, Morris Lurie conveys themes of self realization, responsibility, judgment, and parenting. This essay will show how Billys characterization develops Morris Luries themes. Wealth, ownership, control and his desire for his fathers approval shows how Lurie, through his characterization of Billy conveys his theme of lifestyle choices. Ever since Billy and his father come to the island they act like they own everything and everyone on it. When they go to eat breakfast in the morning, Billy deals with the very pretty waitress like she is a prostitute, Whats ya name, honey? he said Why? said the girl. I always like to know the names of the girls I sleep with. Luries use of a colloquial language and inappropriate language such as honey and sleep with during Billys dialogue with a waitress show his desire to control a situation and to please his father; Easy, son said Mathews, but his face was beaming with pride. Billys self-confident and commanding swagger, He [Billy] walked with an exaggerated swagger is an example of a movement which Lurie associates with Billy to show yet another aspect of his desire to dominate over everyone else in the restaurant. By exploring Billys inappropriate choice of lifestyle in great detail, Lurie expresses his theme, which is to take care when choosing your lifestyle. Billys desire to please his father and to control is reiterated by the motif of alcohol. Billy is too young to be drinking as much alcohol as he does, yet he does and he does it to please his father and to control by demonstrating that he is able to drink as much as his father. This is shown in the quotation, His son [Billy] matched him drink for drink. Luries use of the narrators voice is very significant here because the narrator is presented to readers as very moral and sensible, so when the narrator talks about a boy drinking as much as a man we worry. This concern is further addressed by the narrative voice in the line, I watched the boy. How long could he last? I thought. How long could he keep it up? and also when he thinks, Dont tell me Billy is outdrinking him. I thought. His own son. His own pride and joy. The pace is significantly sped up during these two quotations by the shorter more choppy sentences. This serves two purposes, first it makes the passage stand out from the rest of the paragraph and second it permits the narrator to clearly state his point. The repetition of I though in both quotations creates an effective link of the two quotations. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the meaning of the two quotes are linked and that the narrator is wondering if Ned Mathews own ride and joy, his son Billy is already better at living the life of a spoiled, rude man than Ned Mathews. This is ironic because Billy is just a boy, so of course the narrator wonders How long can he keep it up? Another example is, When are we going to have some real drinking, Dad? I thought you told me we was gonna have some real fun.' Billys arrogance and the awkwardness of having an adolescent talking about drinking with his father really shines through here. He is almost criticizing his father because he has not had any real drinking. Lurie employs dialogue and colloquial diction such as we was to make the conversation sound even more out of place. Luries selection of alcohol as a motif in the story is important because alcohol has negative connotations and is illegal for adolescents to buy. By associating Billy with alcohol Lurie is implying that the life he is living where alcohol is a daily part of his routine is not suiting. Through Billy, Lurie evokes a theme of self realization which results in Billys character development. The first time there is evidence of this change in character is when Billy meets the Princess and eventually when he started to cry after him and his father got into a fight over his fathers abuse of the Princess. The most blatant example of this change however comes from Billys request for tea as opposed to the routine coffee and beer, Not for me, said Billy, in a voice I had never heard him use before. A young boys voice. Can I have. a cup of tea?' In this quotation Lurie utilizes related diction such as Can which has connotations of manners and kindness. Even the narrator recognizes Billys character development because he states that Billy spoke in a young boys voice which is a voice he had not spoken in before. The narrator is referring to Billys transgression from a boy who acts like an indecorous adult to a boy who acts like a young boy. There is also more subtle evidence of Billys character development in the text. The adjectives and adverbs change to correspond with the two different aspects of Billys character. In the first part of the text adjective and adverbs such as bleary and cocky then in the second part of the short story Lurie uses a new selection of adjectives and adverbs such as, neat, polite and young. Luries ability to reveal Billy through three different viewpoints: his fathers, the narrators and Billys own view of himself gives different perspectives to his character which helps position the readers to the themes of the short story. The overwhelming amount of dialogue in this text between Billy and his father Ned Mathews shows Billy and his fathers view that everything revolves around them. They are the only voice, which is heard in the story through dialogue despite the fact that there are roughly 80 other people on the island. The movements and actions of Billy convey part of his character. Billys actions are often direct or closely linked to the actions of his father. This shows the way that Billy looks up to the actions of his father, and how his father will abuse that respect throughout the story. Directly after his father tells the bartender to get off his fat behind and give a bit of service Billy says, Yeah, shake it up there. This quotation creates a nice image of the typical clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ where a father says something and then his son repeats it. Except Billy is mimicking a very offensive and inappropriate thing that his father just said. This shows the reader how Ned Mathews is a inconsiderate role model and a poor parent. Through Billys actions Lurie also shows that Billy is not prepared to live the lifestyle of his father. The boy I noticed had to take a breath half way down. This quotations refers to the fact that Billy cannot drink all of the beer in one gulp when his father can as proof that his fathers life is not necessarily appropriate for him. This concern of Billy not being suited for his fathers life is restated by the narrator when he wonders, How long can he last? Through Billy, Lurie is able to express his themes and concerns in an interesting and realistic manner. The themes and concerns developed in Pride and Joy may appear to be very simple and obvious but that by no means makes them less important. Themes such as self realization, responsibility, judgment, and parenting are very significant in everyones lives.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Middlemarch Essay -- Literary Analysis, Elliot

Middlemarch, a Victorian novel written by George Elliot, depicts a realistic view of a conventional society in the eighteenth century. Middlemarch, the town in England where the setting of the novel takes place, embodies many provincial characters who are affected by the social world where they live and interact with each other. The novel focuses on many of the characters and their relationships as part of a whole in a human social web. Among the many characters, the main ones include: Dorothea Brooke, a beautiful, good, and caring young woman, but very naà ¯ve and idealistic; Edward Casaubon, a boring old scholar who marries Dorothea; Rosamond Vincy, a gorgeous young woman, but very egoistic and self-centered; Tertius Lydgate, a brilliant and handsome physician who marries Rosamond; Will Ladislaw, a passionate young artist who falls in love with Dorothea and later marries her after Mr. Casaubon’s death; Fred Vincy, a good-natured young man who is often in debt; and Mary Gart h, a plain woman, but very kind and sensible. Elliot focuses heavily on the realities of marriage and the incompatibility between a couple based on idealistic notions about each other and marriage in general. Idealism leads to the failure of the marriages between Dorothea Brooke and Edward Casaubon and Tertius Lydgate and Rosamond Vincy. The downfall of these two unions stands in stark contrast with the marriage between Fred Vincy and Mary Garth. Fred and Mary do not have idealistic notions about each other and are realistic in their thinking and approach to marriage which is the reason for their success and mutual happiness. Dorothea’s second marriage is also a success because she does not base her thinking and happiness on ideal beliefs. In the beginning of ... ...rd and the union between Tertius and Rosamond. The marriages between these couples are failures because they are blind to the faults of their spouses. It is only after marriage that these characters realize the mistakes that they made. The ideal visions are crushed by the depressing reality. They cannot continue to idealize when they learn and see the truth. The marriage between Fred and Mary and the marriage between Dorothea and Will are successful because they are free from the ideals that hide the truth and cause unhappiness. These couples did not hold high expectations for each other or for their marriages. They saw and accepted reality as it was and humbled themselves. The idealism in the novel only led to the downfall and unhappiness of the characters in their marriages. The successful marriages on the other hand were free from high expectations and ideals.